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Taiwan Education Zone Overview
台灣高等教育分為兩類:一般的綜合型大學和主要訓練學生就業競爭力的科技大學。根據台灣國際及兩岸教育司─教育部的資料,2021-2022年大專校院在學港澳學生人數有近11萬人,當中香港學生有9,011人。而台灣的陸委會公布港人赴台讀書的數據,指2022年申請到台報讀學士、碩士及博士課程的香港學生較2021年同期增長6.4%,反映港人赴台升學的需求上升。 香港「334」學制改革後,與台灣學制相同,香港高中生畢業後可直接來台念大學。台灣學費及雜費與香港及歐美國家相比相對便宜;而台灣各大學近年來更積極推動國際化,提供學生免費到國外交流學習的機會,並提供雙聯學位等;再加上台灣與香港的距離近、語文相通等因素皆為香港學生來台的誘因及優勢。
Publish Date: 2022.06.14
The 27th Hong Kong International Education Expo is Now Open Over 600 Local and Overseas Institutions Bring an Entire Spectrum of Courses
The Hong Kong International Education Expo, organised by the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), opened today at The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Hall (Hall 1C). This two-day event brings together representatives from more than 600 local, Taiwan and foreign educational institutions from 17 countries and regions under one roof, helping visitors to chart their future. It would be of interest to school leavers, parents, working adults, members of the industry and the gener
Publish Date: 2021.05.29
The 27th Hong Kong International Education Expo Set to Open this Weekend
Organised by the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong (CMA), the Expo will be held from 29 to 30 May at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Hall1C). As one of the most reputable and longest-running education exhibitions in the city, this year’s Expo will be divided into three themed zones, based on the desired study destinations Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. This is a unique opportunity for students to explore study options at different levels, including foundation progr
Publish Date: 2021.05.25
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